25 March 2012

Farewell and say Hello ! :)

Teneneow HANA QASRINA HANIM at 13:47
Assalamualaikum peeps. ;)

As i'm too long away from posting any entry so I have to say Hello I guess. ♥ How are you doing friends? Btw, even i'm not posting anything i'll still read almost all your post ; my friends. I just can't leave any footprint. Hehe

Farewell? Oh that's for Semester One actually. -_-" As i was too busy w/imagination, so all my post just stay in the draft because i can't even finished it. Okay, Semester One was a start i think. It was okay and it was bad. I thought it was EQUAL. As the conclusion, nothing can bet my Foundation Time. It was the best memory i ever had. :)

Forget about past? And live happily w/your future. I guess. But it is not easy as ABC. Even ABC is harder (in Digital System Fundamental subject). Haha Well i'm engineering student. So? -_-

Lets see what will happen in Semester Two. And and it started with tears. Um Um Hope for the best. Amin


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