11 March 2011

Jealousy is everywhere

Teneneow HANA QASRINA HANIM at 01:03
Omaigod. I have finished my 1st paper. And it was so cool bebeh. -.-

Okay, that is not what I want to talk about. I just viewed one of my friends wall at facebook. And what I feel is jealousy. And I can't imagine if I could be her. Ever.

Can I be someone that everyone will like to?

Is that an impossible wish? Urgh. Maybe. Her wall is full with greetings. Everyday. Er, not her perhaps. Theres plenty of them. -.- Actually. Look at my wall. No one is dropping by. No one is viewing mine. Nor this blog. Sometimes I just like talking by myself. Maybe every time. Yes, that is me.

I have a lot of friends. A lot of. Means not-so-much. I don't know how to behave to make everyone likes me. I just can be me and myself. Yeah, they also being themselves. But how can they be such nice people? HOW? When I look back, they are such hot girls. Doing anything without limits. Going anywhere without ending. Or spending money like it is unlimited. The most important part is they are beautiful. Beautiful? For me, actually no. But most people hell say yes. Idk how to judge. By hair? By dress? Or by money? -_-"

So, the conclusion is. Just being me and stay calm. Is that what GOD love? No comment. :)

Talking to the moon.


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